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Monday, March 8, 2010

Does Our Word Still Mean Anything?

I am have been wondering if our word still counts as our bond? The Bible tells us to "let our yes be yes, and our no be no." There was a time when men did not need ten page legal documents to be bound by their word and a handshake. I used to be able to count on most people to show-up when they said they would. I used to be able to count on most people to do what they said they would do.

I was reading a futurist article that said that in the near future we will be smart enough to believe that people can be good on their own and no longer need the Judeo-Christian ethic to believe in a need for Jesus Christ as a guide. We will come more to depend on science than faith and doctrine. Yet I find that more and more when people tell me something, there is a good chance that they will not keep their word. The more technology we have then less we seem to stay in touch. The more we simplify, the busier we seem to get. With e-mail, voicemail, texting, tweeting, Facebook, cell phone and video-conferencing, I would think that we could stay in touch long enough to the people of our word. We have so many ways to send or post words now, maybe we have word overload.

Unfortunately, our actions still speak so loudly that they drown out our words. An update on Facebook and a text message is not a substitute for talking to each other and spending time together. They are also not reasons to let our world be diluted by our actions.

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