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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Abuse of Women is Always Inexcusable and Unacceptable

A recent Essence Magazine article quotes a survey that stated that more than 45% of young women believe that Rhianna might have provoked Chris Brown to abuse her. This is hog-wash. Chris Brown is a bully, a criminal and deviant creep. What he, and every other man who raises his hand to a woman in anger, did was and is wrong, unacceptable, inexcusable and each of them should have been taken out to the public square and hung. Obviously, money does not buy decency, respect, integrity, honor or wisdom.

There is too much abuse of our girls and our women in this country and around the world. Sexual abuse, date rape, physical abuse, intimidation and any other form of violence against women and girls should never be acceptable in any venue whether culturally, ethnically, politically, traditionally or customarily. There was a time when we, as men, did not accept this type of violence towards our mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, grandmothers or cousins. What happened to our backbone?

To hear that so many young women think that because a man is handsome, rich, or with any other tribute can have a justification to beat up a woman is disturbing. Some commentators have said that this is so because they may be jealous these women towards the other woman who landed the man. They also believe that the same thing would not happen to them. They are sadly mistaken. A rat is a rat even if you dress it in a tuxedo and they will act like a rat even if they live in a mansion. A rat hole in a mansion is still a rat hole.

I hope that Rhianna and all my sisters and daughters do not ever come to accept this type of treatment at any time from anyone ever again. I also hope that my fellow male brothers will stand up to the abusers and say enough is enough. It must stop. Then we all need to get on our knees and ask God to protect us from this kind of evil either as a recipient or perpetrator.

May God have mercy on us.

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