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Monday, February 9, 2009

It's Not The Economy

Some trust in Wall Street,
Some trust in Main Street,
Some want a bail-out,
Some what a hand-out,
Some bought security in 401K,
Some look to Obama,
but we trust in the name of the Lord.

God's economic security plan is not from Wall Steet.
He does not need the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank to lower his interest rate.
God does not need the Chinese investment bankers to buy His loans.
He is the Creator of the Universe;
He is the King of Kings and the Lords of Lords;
He is the Mighty God; a strong tower; my deliverer and my provider;
He is Jehovah Jeirah.

When we say integrity does not matter, morality and values are outdated and not appropriate for the modern society;
When sharing your faith is seen as forcing values on others and
killing 3 million babies is a choice and not murder,
Who is to say that raiding companies of all their assets is wrong?
What moral compass is there to stop raiding of companies, taking $30 million dollar bonuses and wiping out saved retirement accounts?
Where are the boundaries to putting people in houses they could not ever afford and charge them interest without every applying a dollar to principal?
Is it okay to ask us to pay more takes and not pay your own?
Why does out tax money go to the bankers who hoard it in their safes gaining interest who continue to foreclose on family homes while refusing to lend to businesses to finance expansion?

The economy is not the issue. The economy is the symptom.
The disease is now manifested. It is lack of integrity. It is lack of moral compass breading the inability to know right from wrong, absence of conscience and unbridled greed. Reprobate.

I think the Bible (that not so politically correct book) calls it sin, a willful violations of known laws of God. The cure is not found in politics or economics. The French don't have it and the terrorists cannot destroy it.

This one bail-out plan cannot come from Congress:
the White House cannot change it;
Wall Street can't trade it;
Main Street can't sell it;
Congress cannot write a bill to fix it;
The press cannot spin it and the pharmaceutical companies do not have a drug for it.

The cure is repentance and a turning back to God, the true and living God and Jesus Christ his Son: a divine transformation that comes from the inside out under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

The ecomony - an unpleasant and painful distraction.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like and agree with your message Grantley. Our economic system is like a tree that should bear fruit. Right now its not and people are running around trying to prune it or shine more light on it in hopes it will recover. But the problem is in the moral roots and its going to take more than a stimulus package or optimistic hope in new leadership to fix it.