Countries, organizations and business are successful because they are led by Leaders not managed by Managers. Managers are concerned with quarterly profits (good or bad); leaders are concerned with long term sustainability. Managers are concerned with their department's success above all else; leaders are concerned with the vision. mission and purpose of their organizations so that the Managers have processes to manage and profits can be made.
The current condition of the USA and the electoral campaigns, demonstrates our current lack of national leadership. We lack leadership in energy and environmental strategies; we lack leadership in alternative sources of oil and energy generation; we lack leadership in immigration control and protecting our boarders; we lack leadership in education reform and accountability; we lack leadership in tax policy and fiscal responsibility. Finally, we lack leadership in harmonizing our country towards common goals. So many people are so concerned by being liked by others and other countries that they are willing to give up our liberties and unique qualities to be like everyone else.
Barrack Obama is talking about change without definition and clarification . He is handsome and dynamic but lacks depth. He has a large following but they are all standing in a circle without direction. Hillary Clinton is talking about experience and health care. She has offered up credible information on neither. Their Democratic party is supposed to be the party if inclusion but only when you vote for the right people, usually Hillary. Both are vociferously critical of President Bush's policies but they have none better to offer. John McCain is so consumed with being a Republican who is moderate and independent that we no longer know where he stands. Where are the leaders?
I have come to the conclusion that most politicians are not leaders, they are power brokers. We have expected people who usually become aquatinted with critical issues from staffers and news reports and summary notes to become experts by virtue of election.
Church select Pastors and Board members using metrics that have little to do with leadership, vision and passion. After the vote members sit around looking for the Pastors to lead and set a course for change. Every good pastor and board member works hard to come up with something that should get the church going again. Unfortunately these programs usually are centered around managing ecclesiastical processes and keeping the doors open (paying bills). These are management processes that may show short term growth but soon burn out for lack of spiritual depth, mediocre expectations and poor metrics. Title and election do not necessarily mean leadership.
Leaders have a passion for their calling and their organizations.
Leaders manage processes when needed but soon get back to focusing on the big picture: vision, mission and purpose.
Leaders manage people and motivate them to become their very best.
Leaders succeed by helping others succeed. They are not intimidated by the success of others.
Leaders are willing to sacrifice short term bad profits in order to create sustainable and lasting successes. Success brings profits.
Leaders are not afraid to be unpopular in the face of value, principle and integrity.
Leaders call others to accomplish great things rather than call names.
Where are the leaders? We have developed a center for training new, existing and potential leaders to develop their skills, talents and hone their focus. Check us out at
God has blessed us with leaders to be our mentors and challenge us to change in order to accomplish our dreams. We'd like to share it with you.