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Today is the present...it is a gift and I am greatful.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Letting Go, One Year Later

Last June we experienced that mixed emotions of letting go of our son to allow him to pursue his dreams of becoming a fighter pilot and an astranaut. He has now complete his first year of college and training at the Air Force Academy and is excited about next year. After all, he is attending one of the best uninversities in the world.

In letting go we experienced lonliness that we had not imagined. We wished we could take him back but we knew that we had to let him go after his dreams. We recommitted him to the hands of the Lord. As I recap the last year, I realized something new: in not being at home, home became more important to him. He values being at home more than ever; he values his room; his friends at home; he values his family; he values His relationship with Christ; he values his upbringing. We are proud of both of our kids.

Letting go is part of the maturity process God gives us when He gives us kids. My greatest fear is that I fail to impart to my kids what God has asked me to impart to them and for my own selfish gratification, I fail to allow them to be what He wants them to be. Today, I still look at Ryan and wonder if I could have done things better or different. I do see things that I could have done differently. God has never-the-less taken our best efforts and covered them with His Spirit and the results are amazing.

We are glad that we let him go even if we had to weep in the process.

We are greatful for God's mercies and favor in our lives.